The Recidivism Series
"The Recidivism Series" is a compelling mini-series produced by Fisher Films in collaboration with Palmetto Family, a non-profit organization, that shines a spotlight on South Carolina's remarkable success in reducing recidivism rates, one of the best in the nation. The series delves into the stories of individuals and organizations that have played a crucial role in achieving this feat.
Written and Produced by T. Scott Reeves, the series features interviews and testimonials from key figures such as the renowned Frankie San, the CIU Prison Initiative, Prison Fellowship, Kairos, and other influential organizations and individuals. Viewers get an inside look at their groundbreaking efforts to reform the criminal justice system and provide support to inmates and former death row inmates.
Through powerful narratives shared by volunteers and those who have experienced the system firsthand, "The Recidivism Series" aims to inspire and highlight the impact of these remarkable organizations and individuals in helping to transform lives, reduce recidivism rates, and create positive change in South Carolina's criminal justice system.
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The Recidivism Series
"The Recidivism Series" is a compelling mini-series produced by Fisher Films in collaboration with Palmetto Family, a non-profit organization, that shines a spotlight on South Carolina's remarkable success in reducing recidivism rates, one of the best in the nation. The series delves into the stories of individuals and organizations that have played a crucial role in achieving this feat.
Written and Produced by T. Scott Reeves, the series features interviews and testimonials from key figures such as the renowned Frankie San, the CIU Prison Initiative, Prison Fellowship, Kairos, and other influential organizations and individuals. Viewers get an inside look at their groundbreaking efforts to reform the criminal justice system and provide support to inmates and former death row inmates.
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